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Märklin My World

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Info Center

About us

When passion becomes a job, I like to define this adventure in this way.

As a matter of fact, the idea to open a store of "Märklin-only" is born in order to satisfy the various needs of the collectors of this ancient company.

What definitively convinced me to undertake this project was my latest journey to Göppingen where I visited the factory and admired the production line, where manual labour combines with update technologies and where the care for details isn't accidental but it is the result of a "passion", every single employee doesn't work for a company but for a great idea... Märklin.

What we intend to do is to offer a complete service to Märklin-lovers:

  • update on new products through the subscription to our mailing list
  • latest items' bookings through our web-site or by phone
  • withdrawal of second-hand items, sale by mail all over the world
  • management of collections through withdrawal for cash or sales service
but above all:
  • a price-list with very competitive prices in the Italian market.

As regards the collection of articles which are not listed in the catalogue or of railway antiques, we offer our valid help to the lovers of the various period of production

Indeed in our head-office located in Bergamo - Via Locatelli, 45 you can find articles which are now out of production and precious rarities dating back to the fifties, forties and sixties, as for example the well-known "serie 800".

ToyTrains di Luca Micheli
Via Antonio Locatelli, 45
24121 Bergamo (BG)

Opening hours:
- Monday afternoon from 15:00 to 18:00
- Friday afternoon from 15:00 to 18:00
- Saturday morning from 10:00 to 12:00

Contact us:
Phone: +39 035 225415
Fax: +39 035 2815312

ToyTrains di L. Micheli - Via Antonio Locatelli, 45 - 24121 Bergamo (Italy) - Phone: +39 035 225415 - Fax: +39 035 2815312
opening hours: Monday afternoon from 15:00 to 18:00 - Friday afternoon from 15:00 to 18:00 - Saturday morning from 10:00 to 12:00

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